55+ Questions to Ask When Desiring a “Natural Childbirth,” In a Hospital Setting

“Natural Childbirth” … Well that can only happen in a birth center or at a home-birth… Right?

It is often easy to come up with an extensive list of questions when you are considering a home birth with a Midwife. We tend to think long and hard about the questions we want to ask to make sure we can trust her with our safety and the safety of our baby. During a standard home-birth Midwife appointment, you often get a minimum of an hour to sit and “interview” with a prospective Midwife. There is time enough to get a feeling for one another, a sense of whether she will provide the kind of one-on-one care you desire for your natural birth at home. Then you get an hour with them at almost every single prenatal visit, as well. This adds up to a lot of one-on-one time between you and your care provider to be on the same page, to know and understand one another.

For many families though, a home birth is simply not an option. Whether it is for financial / insurance reasons or for a health concern that puts them just outside the qualifying spectrum of the Midwifery Model of Care. Regardless of the personal circumstance, many women who either choose or need to birth in a hospital still desire to have a “natural childbirth.”

The kind of birth where there is no pressure to perform on a grid-line standard, and fit into a cookie-cutter diagram that has a one-size-fits-all approach. The kind of birth where they are free to listen to their bodies needs and respond to natural urges and do not need to feel stressed by the cascade of interventions which are routinely associated with a hospital birth.

Women do not often pause to consider what kinds of questions they would ask an OB or CNM, in the same way that they would ask a home birth Midwife. Women come up with a vast number of detailed and personal questions when “interviewing” for a Midwife, or even a Pediatrician for their baby, however, they do not usually do this when seeking care for themselves with an OBGYN. There is often this sense of, “this is what I am faced with, so I need to find a way to make the best of it.” Unlike Midwifery Care, you are not afforded an hour of time with an OBGYN, or hospital staffed CNM. Most visits are generally anywhere from 5-15 minutes, on a good day. There just seems to be this “rush” factor, which often times, flows over into the delivery room.

There are many factors involved in the lack of communication

between an OB and an expectant mother

Many women become intimidated and shut down by the sometimes rushed and rigid demeanor of an OB

There is a sense that they went to school for this,

they know what they are doing, “so who am I to question that…?”

An OB might have a response to a question which makes the woman feel inferior

or demeaned for even asking such a question. Just to name a few …

These situations often lead to a sense of not having ones own valuable input into the birth of their baby, whereby holding them back from really digging in and asking the probing questions necessary to build the kind of relationship where mutual respect is involved and a foundation of working together on common ground. Sometimes the connection between the two is so limited that neither even knows where to begin. It becomes a tedious process of coming in – doing checks – and going out – see you next time. Understand that an OB meets with countless women from day to day. Whereas a home birth Midwife, has a specific number of clients she will take on in a given month. An OB will often deliver multiple babies per day, and a Midwife, usually between 2-6 per month. The job of an OB can easily become a job that reflects the business of providing medical care, rather than a passion of providing health care. This is not their fault, it is simply the way that society has set it in motion.

It is important to recognize which care providers do and do not have the qualities you are looking for. There are OB’s out there who “trust birth” and have a great respect for the power within a woman’s body to birth her baby. They do exist and the numbers of them are growing as awareness and education grows, but also because women are finally being heard. Women are standing up and demanding better care, demanding that doctors recognize that they are capable beyond measure, and that birth is not an illness or problem which needs to be controlled, managed or fixed… and that a woman who is having a vaginal birth does not need to have her baby “delivered” from her body.

So how does one really know whether

they have the right OBGYN or CNM for them?

~ Or ~

Where do you begin in finding

the care provider that is right for you?

One of the first steps is recognizing that you are never “stuck” with a specific care provider. You have a wealth of options and choices available to you! We are blessed to have a society full of highly intelligent Doctors, Midwives and CNM’s, all of whom have individual qualities to meet the needs of each specific woman. You simply have to take the time to find what you are looking for.

Finding a Doula can be one of the best places to start! A Doula provides physical, emotional and informational support for women throughout their pregnancy, labor and birth, and into the postpartum, breastfeeding, and newborn care stage. A Doula also works with many different kinds of birth professionals, and in all different kinds of birth settings. It is one-on-one specialized care, at it’s finest!

When it comes to your care provider…

A Doula Can:

– Help provide you with guidance in making sure your care provider is the right one to meet your birthing needs.

You may have been referred to a friends OBGYN, because they had the perfect experience that they desired with that care provider. Every woman’s needs are different, and what is right for your friends, neighbors, church family, or sister, may not be the right fit for you.

Perhaps you have an amazing OBGYN for all of your gynecological needs, or maybe they even played a crucial role in helping you during the family planning stage. Some women find that while their care provider may be perfect for their gynecological needs, they are not necessarily the right care provider for their pregnancy and birthing needs.

– Help you in forming your desired birth plan, and giving you the words necessary to communicate effectively with your care provider about areas of your pregnancy and birth which are important to you.

Forming the right birth plan for you, means fully understanding all of the options which are available to you. A Doula has this knowledge base and they can be a wealth of knowledge about areas of birth that many have never even taken into consideration before. Some of them also teach their own childbirth education classes. If you have a Doula who teaches childbirth education classes, taking their class, rather than a hospital based class, can be helpful in many areas, including creating a closer bond prior to your birth.

Doula’s also understand the language that surrounds pregnancy and birth. They are good at reading between the lines, and recognizing “red flags” that might suggest your care provider and you are not on the same page in a particular area so that you know to address that with them ahead of time, rather than in the throes of labor.

– Give you recommendations of the best hospitals locally, with a known record for helping mother’s who want to have a natural childbirth.

They have watched and supported other women through their personal experiences with local hospitals and care providers. They can provide guidance in determining whether your wants and desires can be met in a specific location, or with a specific care provider.

It is also important to note, that our birth system is changing, slowly but surely, changing for the better. Many hospitals and OB’s who were not “natural childbirth” experienced 2- 5 years ago, are very experienced today. This is due in part to awareness being spread on natural childbirth, women speaking up for what they want, Midwife knowledge and recognition, the movement back to home-birth, and also because of the positive presence of “natural childbirth” workers, such as Doula’s, being present in the hospital birth place.

– Provide you with names of OBGYN’s or CNM’s whom they feel might meet your criteria in achieving the birth you want.

Again, they have watched and supported other women through their personal experiences with local hospitals and care providers. This gives you an idea of where to begin the “interview” process, as you search for the right OB or CNM, and the right birthing location for you and your personal desires.

– Give you resources to local natural childbirth / natural parenting groups within the community, where you can find support and build relationships with other women and families along the way.

Connecting with other “like-minded” women who have walked the path before you, or are currently going through their journey at the same time as you can be one of the most amazing blessings. Doula’s have many connections within the natural birthing community. Everything from breastfeeding support, essential oils education, alternative medicine, chiropractors, massage therapists, natural practitioners, cranial sacral therapists, and so much more!

Below is a list of accumulated questions which I have found to be very helpful for my Doula client’s to ask when “feeling out” a care provider, to see whether they can have their desired birth, while being under the care of that provider.

Already Have a Care Provider

You can take the questions which pertain to you from the list below, and Prioritize them according to which areas are of the greatest importance to you. Begin to ask a handful or two of those questions at each prenatal visit.

Do not shrug off responses which do not meet your qualifications. The list of available doctors is lengthy. Of course there is always going to be a give and take when choosing to birth in a hospital setting. So a certain amount of flexibility is often needed, but know going into the situation which items are your priority and are not subject to flexibility, and which ones you can take or leave.

Looking For a Care Provider

If you do not already have a care provider, or have made the decision to find a new one, you can request to do an initial interview with potential care providers. At this visit, go through your top questions first, and then have a second set should time allow.

In any circumstance, you should always listen to your care provider carefully. They will often tell you exactly how they expect your birth will be, even if it isn’t with their specific words. Always use your intuition. If it simply doesn’t feel right to you, then it mostly likely is not right for you.

Respectful & Attentive or “Red Flag”

Be aware of how the care provider responds to the question. Do they seem confident and knowledgeable? Is their response calm and collected? Is the tone warm and understanding? Did they not know how to respond? Did the care provide have no idea what you were talking about? Did the care provider seem agitated or respond defensively? Was your question put off… to be discussed at a later visit when you are “farther along?”

Don’t be afraid to go after what you want. This is your baby and your birth!

~ Important Questions To Consider ~


  1. Why did you choose this profession and what makes it so important to you?
  2. How long have you been a practicing _______? (OB, CNM)
  3. What is your training / education / degrees / certifications, etc. ?
  4. How many babies have you /witnessed / helped bring into this world?
  5. What is your philosophy on birth?
  6. What does “natural childbirth” mean to you?
  7. Where do you personally stand between medically managed childbirth, and natural childbirth?
  8. Are you connected with a natural childbirth / natural parenting community?
  9. Do you provide individual care based on the needs of each patient, or is care carried out on a standard protocol regiment?
  10. Have you had experience with a Doula before?
  11. Which methods of pain management do you recommend?
  12. Will I be expected to progress through my labor according to a specific timeline?
  13. What is your induction rate?
  14. What is your cesarean rate?
  15. Have you ever performed a “Family Centered Cesarean?”
  16. Is laboring in a water pool or bath tub an option? Delivery?
  17. How many births do you typically attend to in a month? Year?
  18. Are you planning any vacations, trips or other events around the time of my estimated due date that would interfere with your presence at my birth?
  19. Who is your back-up? When would I meet them? Do you work off a rotation schedule with other care providers?
  20. What kind of follow-up visits will we have with you after the birth?
  21. Have you had any loss of a baby or mother? If so, why and what happened?


  1. What role do you feel nutrition and exercise play on a healthy pregnancy and the effect on the labor and birth process?
  2. What are a few of the top nutritional recommendations you have for prenatal health?
  3. Is there a set of routine tests which must be done during pregnancy? Which? When?
  4. Will I be required to do the Gestational Diabetes screening? What if I do not have any symptoms of GD? How is this test carried out? Will I eat a specific meal prior to testing or will I be fasting and drinking a sweet orange substance?
  5. How many weeks of pregnancy do you feel are crucial to having a healthy baby?
  6. If baby and I are healthy, can we allow labor to begin on its own? Even 1 week past our estimated due date? 2 weeks past our estimated due date?
  7. Will you deliver a breech baby? Frank? Footling?
  8. If so, what kind of training and experience do you have in the delivery of a breech baby?
  9. If my baby were to be breech, what recommendations would you have for encouraging my baby to turn naturally?
  10. What medical options would be available to turn my baby?
  11. Do you deliver twins? Experience? Cesarean necessary within your care?
  12. What risk factors do you look for when determining if a cesarean section is needed, prior to labor beginning?
  13. What is your stance on VBAC births? Will you allow a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)? What kinds of procedures will I be subject to during my VBAC, that would not be standard had I not had a previous cesarean? Is a scheduled cesarean a requirement for you after a previous cesarean?

Labor and Birth

  1. What are your recommendations for a family who wants to labor at home for as long as possible before coming to the hospital?
  2. Do you require a heparin lock to be in place?
  3. Will IV fluids be necessary during my labor or may I be allowed to drink freely on my own?
  4. How often do you feel it is necessary to have a vaginal exam during labor? May I refuse these checks?
  5. Are you familiar with other ways of determining dilation, besides vaginal exams?
  6. What risk factors do you look for in determining whether a cesarean section is necessary while I am in labor?
  7. How often will my baby be required to be monitored through Electronic Fetal Monitoring?
  8. Will I able to labor in any position I feel comfortable? May I move around freely?
  9. May I eat while I am laboring?
  10. Can I push in any position I choose? May I deliver my baby in any position I choose?
  11. Is directed pushing typically done, or will I be encouraged to push with the urges of my body?
  12. Will you delivery my baby? Would you assist myself or my partner in delivering our baby?
  13. Do you provide perennial support while pushing to minimize the possibility of tearing?
  14. Do you perform routine episiotomies?
  15. Would you be accepting of allowing me to tear naturally, rather than have an episiotomy?
  16. How do you handle a nuchal cord?
  17. What is your position on delayed cord clamping?

Immediately Postpartum

  1. Will my baby be given directly to me for skin-to-skin contact immediately at birth?
  2. Can routine checks of baby be done while my baby is in mine or my partners arms?
  3. Which test and routine practices will be necessary in the first few hours of birth (for myself? for my baby?). Can these procedures be delayed until after we have had several hours of uninterrupted bonding time as a family?
  4. Which will be necessary in the first few days of birth? And the first few weeks of birth?
  5. Does your practice / hospital have any standard procedures for families who desire to take their placentas home with them?
  6. Will it be necessary for my placenta to be taken from my room for examination, or can the examination process be completed within my room?
  7. Can I refuse to have my placenta washed, chemically rinsed, or pumped full of a preservative such as formaldehyde?
  8. Is it possible to fill out the paperwork needed to accept or decline certain routine procedures for my baby, before being in labor and before baby is born? That way our time immediately after the birth can be focused on bonding and welcoming our new little one into the world.
  9. How long will we be expected to stay in the hospital before being released?
  10. Will my baby have to go to the nursery during our stay, or can my baby remain with me for the duration of our stay?
  11. How long will it be necessary for us to stay in the hospital after our birth, before we can be released to go home?

Top 10 Toxic Chemicals to Eliminate Immediately From Your Daily Routine, on Your Journey Towards Going Green

healthy changesWe are often not aware of what all of those difficult to pronounce “ingredients” are on the label of our favorite hygiene products. They make us “feel” clean, “smell” nice, and carry confidence in how we “look” to those around us.Years and years of use, and we may find ourselves being one of those people we here about, who was just diagnose with cancer, is no longer able to have children, who’s child was born with a very serious or life threatening birth defect, or the person who is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s, among numerous other decline health problems. Then comes the realization that we have actually spend years and years of our time and money on purchasing toxic chemicals to slowly deteriorate our bodies, in an attempt to feel, smell, and look our best.

Making it a point now, to become informed about the truths of the toxins we intentionally expose ourselves and our children to daily, and begin to slowly remove them from our daily routines and habits. Learn what they are, what their role and function is in our products, which of our products they can be found in, and what health related concerns they are associated with.

On the journey to becoming “green” we also can learn what “natural” alternatives we have in making better choices for ourselves and our families, and taking back control of our long term health and vitality.

Below is a list of the top 10 chemicals found in our every day hygiene products which we can begin to eliminate immediately! Alternatives are purchasing organic products from health and wellness stores, or simply making your own homemade products with the use of things like coconut oil and essential oils.


~ For a FULL list of the 30 most toxic chemicals found in our products ~

The Dirt 30 – A List of Toxic Chemicals Found in Everyday Hygiene and Household Products

REACH protest Berlin

Photo Courtesy of Green Peace


Penetration enhancer
Helps to create lather

Present in:
Various other personal care products

Health concerns:
Alters skin structure
Allows other chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin, inhibiting the skins ability protect
Makes it easier for other chemicals that reach the bloodstream
Studies show strong negative effects on sensory organs


Anti-bacterial agent

Present in:
Various other personal care products

Health concerns:
Alters hormone levels
Increases risk for certain types of cancer
Impairs fertility
Alteration of the development of a fetus or young child
Studies have found parabens in breast tumors
Probable skin toxicant
Studies show negative effects on the brain and nervous system


  • TRICLOSAN (derivative of agent orange) (1% of 1 billion is highly toxic)

Anti-bacterial agent
Reduces and controls bacterial contamination on the hands and on treated products

Present in:
Antibacterial soaps
Hand sanitizer
Face wash
Various cleaning supplies
Restricted in Japan and Canada.

Health concerns:
Endocrine disrupter
Carcinogen; easily bio-accumulates to dangerous levels
Studies show reproductive and other broad systematic effects
Potentially contaminated with impurities linked to cancer and other significant health problems
Studies have shown it can actually induce cell death when used in mouth washes
Scientists believe the run off down drains, into bodies of water and soil is one of the main causes for the proliferation of super bugs.


Solvent to improve adhesion and gloss

Present in:
Nail polish
Hair dye

Health concerns:
Highly toxic to liver and lungs
Developmental, nervous system and respiratory toxin
Cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, renal and sense organ toxin
Carcinogen and reproductive toxin
Highly flammable

  • TALC

Absorbs moisture
Anti-caking agent
Bulking agent

Present in:
All forms of powder, including baby powder
Eye shadow

Health concerns:
Linked to ovarian cancer
Talc particles are similar to asbestos particles
Respiratory Toxin
Data suggests that it can cause tumors in the lungs

5)  PROPYLENE GLYCOL (main ingredient in anti-freeze!)

Solvent – wetting substance
Penetration enhancer
Conditions the skin
Controls viscosity
Keeps products from melting in high, or freezing in low, temps

Present in:
Shampoo / conditioner
Numerous personal care products
Some packaged foods
Ice cream – prevents ice crystals
Artificial sweeteners – humectant, preserving moisture, preventing mold and bacteria from developing
Icing / Frosting – alginate, causing your icing to foam

Health concerns:
Alters skin structure, allowing other chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin
Increase in the amount of other chemicals that reach the bloodstream
Studies show:
negative reproductive effects
Positive mutation results
Brain and nervous system effects
Endocrine disruption

6)  OXYBENZONE (BENZPENONE-3) (product name, followed by neg (-) / pound (#) sign = synthetic)

Sunscreen Agent
Ultraviolet Light Absorber
UV Absorber
UV Filter

Present in:

Health concerns:
Associated with photoallergic reactions
Endocrine disrupter

Enhanced skin absorption and bioaccumulates to dangerous levels
Biochemical cellular changes
Developmental and reproductive toxicity
Found in breastmilk



Present in:
Hair products – dye
Found in 60% of lipsticks (but it won’t be on the label)
Restricted in Canada

Health concerns:
Developmental, respiratory, gastrointestinal and reproductive toxicant
Reduced fertility
Studies show metabolic, brain and nervous system effects
Suspected nano-scale ingredients with potential to absorb into the skin


Used to control sweat and odor in the underarms by slowing down the production of sweat

Present in:
Banned by EU

Health concerns:
Linked to the development of Alzheimer’s Disease
May be linked to breast cancer
Nervous system, respiratory, and developmental toxin


Forms barrier on skin
Makes lipsticks shine
Creams smoother
Inexpensive skin softener

Present in:
Mineral oil
Baby oil
Lip care
Banned by EU

Health concerns:
May be contaminated with impurities
Linked to cancer or other significant health problems
Softens skin while damaging it in the process


Fragrance ingredient (labeled as “fragrance” or “parfum”)
Plasticizer (this chemical will actually soften plastics)

Present in:
Numerous cosmetics
Various personal care products (including scented feminine hygiene products)
Banned in EU.

Health concerns:
Immune system toxicant
Developmental and reproductive toxin
Associated with kidney failure
Respiratory toxicant
Probable neurotoxin
Endocrine disruptor

Bio-accumulative in wildlife

Reference Resources and additional Readers

Green Peace
Teens Turning Green
Environmental Working Group

The Dirty 30 ~ A List of Toxic Chemicals Found in Everyday Hygiene and Household Products

tampons-bad-for-you1.       CHEMICAL: ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM and OTHER
          ALUMINUM COMPOUNDSFunction: Used to control sweat and odor in the underarms by slowing down the production of sweat.Present in: Antiperspirants. Banned by EU.

Health concerns: Linked to the development of Alzheimer’s Disease; may be linked to breast cancer; probable neurotoxin; possible nervous system, respiratory, and developmental toxin.


Function: Solvent; hidden within “fragrance.”

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels.

Health concerns: Linked to pancreatic cancer; easily absorbs into skin causing quick systemic effects; animal studies show hyperemia of the lungs; possible gastrointestinal, liver, and respiratory toxicant; possible neurotoxin.

3.       CHEMICAL: BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE and BENZETHONIUM CHLORIDEFunction: Antimicrobial agent, deodorant, preservative, biocide.

Present in: Moisturizer, sunscreen, facial cleanser, acne treatment, pain relief. Restricted in Japan and Canada.

Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; may trigger asthma; possible organ system toxicant; animal studies show endocrine disruption and brain, nervous system, respiratory and blood effects; possible carcinogen.


Function: Preservative.

Present in: Moisturizer, body wash, facial cleanser, makeup remover, anti-aging products. Restricted in Canada.

Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; lung and skin toxicant; animal studies show endocrine disruption and gastrointestinal, brain and nervous system effects; irritant.


Function: Solvent in polishes and treatments, prevents chipping.

Present in: Nail polish and nail treatments.

Health concerns: Repeated exposure causes skin dryness and cracking; vapors may induce drowsiness or dizziness; flammable.


Function: Anti-Oxidant; slows down the rate at which product ingredients change in color.

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels.

Banned by EU.

Health Concerns: Immune system toxicant; endocrine disruptor; probable human carcinogen; animal studies show brain, liver, neurotoxin, reproductive and respiratory toxicant.


Function: Surfactant, emulsifying or cleansing agent, penetration enhancer.

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels.

Health concerns: Animal studies show brain, nervous system and sense organ effects; irritant; reproductive and skin toxin, alters skin structure, allowing other chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin and increasing the amounts of other chemicals that reach the bloodstream; may contain harmful impurities.


Function: Controls itching and eczema, softens and promotes the dissolution of hard, scaly, rough skin, also used in hair dyes.

Present in: Shampoo and Hair Dye. Banned by Canada and EU.

Health concerns: Known human carcinogen; skin and respiratory toxicant.


Function: used as foaming agents in shampoos and bath products, and as emulsifying agents in cosmetics; foaming and cleansing agents for “mouth feel.”

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels.

Health concerns: Human immune system toxicant; forms carcinogenic nitrosamine compounds if mixed with nitrosating agents; animal studies show sense organ effects and skin irritation; may contain harmful impurities.


Function: pH adjuster.

Present in: Sunscreen, moisturizer, foundation, hair color.

Health concerns: Skin and immune system toxicant; possible carcinogen; irritant; animal studies show endocrine disruption and neuro developmental, brain and nervous system effects; may trigger asthma.


Function: Solvent.

Present in: Nail polish products, mascara, tooth whitening, perfume.

Health concerns: Probable neurotoxin; possible nervous system toxin; possible carcinogen; irritant; highly flammable


Function: Disinfectant, germicide, fungicide, preservative.

Present in: Deodorant, nail polish, soap, shampoo, shaving cream. Restricted in Canada. Banned by EU.

Health concerns: Immune system, repertory, hematological, and skin toxicant; probable carcinogen and cardiovascular toxicant; can damage DNA; may trigger asthma; animal studies show sense organ, brain, and nervous system effects; possible human development toxicant.


Function: Anti-microbial preservative.

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels.

Health concerns: Forms nitrosamines when in the presence of amines such as MEA, DEA and TEA; probable immune system, blood, cardiovascular and skin toxicant; possible carcinogen; animal studies show endocrine disruption, nervous system and organ system effects; may contain harmful impurities.


Function: Deodorant, masking, perfuming

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels.

Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; possible neurotoxin; can contain between 10 and 300 different chemicals, many of which have never been tested for safety; see phthalates. Labeling can be confusing. If uncertain, check with manufacture.


Function: Antioxidant, fragrance ingredient, skin bleaching agent, hair colorant.

Present in: Skin fading/lightener, facial moisturizer, anti-aging, sunscreen, hair color, facial cleanser and moisturizer. Restricted in Canada.

Health concerns: Immune system and respiratory toxicant; probable neurotoxin; possible carcinogen; irritant; animal studies show endocrine disruption.


Function: Preservative.

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Restricted in Japan.

Health concerns: Human toxicant; possible liver immune system toxin; allergenic.


Function: Colorant.

Present in: Hair dye, hair products. Traces found in some red lipstick. Restricted in Canada.

Health concerns: Probable carcinogen; developmental, respiratory, gastrointestinal and reproductive toxicant; reduced fertility; animal studies show metabolic, brain and nervous system effects; suspected nano-scale ingredients with potential to absorb into the skin


Function: Preservative.

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Restricted in Canada and Japan.

Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; animal studies show restricted growth of the axons and dendrites of immature nerves, neurotoxicity and positive mutation results; can lead to a malfunction in the way neurons communicate with each other; especially detrimental to  a developing nervous system.

19.   CHEMICAL: Oxybenzone (BENZPENONE-3)

Function: Sunscreen Agent; Ultraviolet Light Absorber, UV Absorber; UV Filter.

Present in: Sunscreens and makeup

Health concerns: Associated with photoallergic reactions and immunotoxicity.  Probable carcinogen and endocrine disrupter; Enhanced skin absorption and bioaccumulates to dangerous levels; biochemical cellular changes.  Developmental and reproductive toxicity.


Function: Preservative and anti-bacterial agent.

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels.

Health concerns: May alter hormone levels, possibly increasing risk for certain types of cancer, impaired fertility, or alteration of the development of a fetus or young child; studies have found parabens in breast tumors; probable skin toxicant; animal studies show brain and nervous system effects.


Function: Forms barrier on skin; makes lipsticks shine and creams smoother; inexpensive skin softener.

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Banned by EU.

Health concerns: May be contaminated with impurities, linked to cancer or other significant health problems.


Function: Fragrance ingredient, plasticizer, solvent.

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels. Banned in EU.

Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; developmental and reproductive toxin; respiratory toxicant; probable neurotoxin; possible carcinogen and endocrine disruptor; bio-accumulative in wildlife.


Function: Hair colorant.

Present in: Hair dye, shampoo, hair spray. Restricted in Canada.

Health concerns: Immune system and respiratory toxicant; probable neurotoxin; eczema; possible nervous system, skin, kidney and liver toxicant; irritant; may trigger asthma and gastritis; shown to cause cancer in animal studies.


Function: Solvent, penetration enhancer, conditions skin, controls viscosity and keeps products from melting in high or freezing when it is cold.

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels.

Health concerns: Alters skin structure, allowing other chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin and increasing the amounts of other chemicals that reach the bloodstream; animal studies show reproductive effects, positive mutation results, brain and nervous system effects and endocrine disruption.


Function: Surfactant, penetration enhancer.

Present in: Many cosmetics and personal care products, read labels.

Health concerns: Alters skin structure, allowing other chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin, increasing the amounts of other chemicals that reach the bloodstream; Irritant; animal studies show sense organ effects.


Function: Absorbs moisture, anti-caking agent, bulking agent.

Present in: Blush, powder, eye shadow, baby powder, deodorant.

Health concerns:  Carcinogen; link between talcum powder and ovarian cancer; talc particles are similar to asbestos particles and data suggests that it can cause tumors in the lungs; probable respiratory toxin;


Function: Antioxidant, solvent to improve adhesion and gloss.

Present in: Nail polish and hair dye.

Health concerns: Liver toxin; probable developmental, nervous system and respiratory toxin; possible cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, renal and sense organ toxin; possible carcinogen and reproductive toxin; irritant; highly flammable;


Function: Anti-bacterial agent, deodorant, preservative, biocide. Reduces and controls bacterial contamination on the hands and on treated products.

Present in: Antibacterial soaps, deodorants, toothpastes, mouthwashes, face wash and cleaning supplies. Restricted in Japan and Canada.

Health concerns: Probable endocrine disrupter and carcinogen; easily bio-accumulates to dangerous levels; irritant; animal studies show reproductive and other broad systematic effects; potentially contaminated with impurities linked to cancer and other significant health problems; studies have shown it can actually induce cell death when used in mouth washes.


Function: Fragrance ingredient, pH adjuster, surfactant.

Present in: Hand & body lotion, shaving creams, soap, shampoo, bath powders and moisturizer.

Health concerns: Immune system toxicant; possible carcinogen; animal studies show endocrine disruption; may trigger asthma; forms carcinogenic nitrosamine compounds if mixed with nitrosating agents.


Function: Penetration enhancer

Present in: Body lotion, moisturizers, sunless tanning products, baby soap, anti-aging products..

Health concerns: EPA classifies it as a probable carcinogen found in 46 of 100 personal care products marketed as organic or natural, and the National Toxicology Program considers it a known animal carcinogen.  Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure to high levels of 1,4 dioxane has caused vertigo, drowsiness, headache, anorexia and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs of humans.  It may also irritate the skin.

Teens Turning Green
Environmental Working Group

12 Ways to Naturally Ease Through Morning Sickness and Find Comfort and Health Through Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Morning Sickness ~ or ~ Hyperemesis Gravidarum

While all have a clear understanding that “morning sickness” is something that just comes with the territory that is “being with child,” many are not as familiar with the extreme, persistent and severe phenomenon known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum. It is estimated that 70-80% of women experience some form of “morning sickness” in the early stages of pregnancy. Loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, vomiting… You get the idea. The symptoms tend to ease up coming into the second trimester of pregnancy. Finally feeling rejuvenated and refreshed, women begin to love and enjoy being pregnant! For .2-3% of those women however, that moment of rejuvenating refreshment never comes.

Morning Sickness Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting Nausea accompanied by severe vomiting
Nausea that subsides by 12 weeks gestation, or soon after Nausea that does not subside
Vomiting can be between 2-3 times per day, usually in the mornings or when first waking for the day Vomiting can be between 8-9 times per day, anytime throughout the day or night
You lose little if any weight
(And continue to gain at a moderate rate)
You lose 5-20 pounds or more
(> 5% of pre-pregnancy weight)
Nausea and vomiting do not interfere with your ability to eat or drink enough each day and it does not cause severe dehydration Nausea causes you to eat very little throughout the day and the vomiting causes severe dehydration
Vomiting is infrequent and the nausea is episodic but not severe You vomit often and may vomit bile or blood if not treated. Nausea is usually moderate to severe and constant
It may cause discomfort and a temporary feeling of misery which subsides rather quickly It can cause extreme discomfort and a severe and relentless feeling of misery that does not subside and can lead to depression
Dietary and/or lifestyle changes are enough to help you feel better most of the time More drastic dietary and/or lifestyle changes are required simply to bring a managed level of comfort
Essential Oils, Herbal Teas, and Homeopathy can make symptoms almost non-existent Medications such as phenothiazines, odansetron, metoclopramide, IV fluid, antihistamines, and antacids may all be necessary
Symptoms typically fade and begin to improve towards the end of the first trimester, but can be a little queasy at times during the remainder of your pregnancy You usually feel somewhat better by mid-pregnancy, but you may continue to be nauseous and/or vomit until late pregnancy
You will be able to work most days and care for your family as normal You will likely be unable to work for weeks or months, and may need help caring for yourself and other members of your family

Image Sourced from Parentables

Signs, Symptoms & Side-Effects of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

  • Severe nausea and vomiting
  • Food aversions
  • Poor sense of taste
  • Weight loss of 5% or more of pre-pregnancy weight
  • Decrease in urination
  • Constipation
  • Dehydration
  • Headaches
  • Confusion
  • Fainting spells
  • Pallor (paleness)
  • Jaundice
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Low blood pressure
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Pins & Needles feeling in hands and feet
  • Secondary anxiety/depression

Understanding “Morning Sickness”
and the Phenomenon that is Hyperemesis Gravidarum

To begin to fully understand why women experience “morning sickness” during pregnancy in the first place, and the phenomenon that is hyperemesis gravidarum, we should first look at the specifics that occur at the early part of pregnancy and conception. Once fertilized, the egg within the women’s body becomes viewed as a foreign object. A women’s body will then have a natural immune response to the fertilized egg, and make an attempt to expel the “foreign object” from the body. In an effort for the body to counter this natural reaction and protect the baby from this immune response, the corpus lutem (the source of the egg or ovum in the ovary) will secrete the hormone we commonly know as HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. The corpus luteum will continue to secrete the hormone HCG as a safety measure until the placenta has fully developed, at which time, the placenta will then take over protection of the baby.

HCG is also responsible for the continued secretion of progesterone, which plays a vital role in the enrichment of the blood supply to the uterus, whereby creating the ideal atmosphere within the uterus for the embryo to grow. Progesterone is also involved in the preparation of the lining of the uterus for fertilization, so that the embryo can attach, rather than being discarded as an unfertilized egg during a normal menstruation cycle.

Morning Sickness
It is this battle of hormones within a women’s body which is the major contributing factor in the occurrence of “morning sickness.” This battle is between the body’s immune response and the maternal organs. The immune response to expel what it views as a “foreign object,” and the maternal organs guard to protect what it knows to be miraculous life.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum
“Morning sickness” becomes this severe state when the battle of the hormones continues even after the placenta has fully developed, and in an effort to control the battle and protect the baby, the maternal organs continue to secrete large amounts of HCG into the system. The level of HCG within the body then becomes more than the woman’s body is capable of coping with, whereby causing more than usual amounts of nausea and vomiting than is typically associated with pregnancy, leading to the distressing side-effects of hyperemesis gravidarum. All of this can and does have a negative effect on the growth of the developing baby and professional, medical advice and care should be sought out.

  • It has been found to be genetic. You can read the full article here.
  • It is more common in pregnancies where twins, triplets or more are involved.
  • It is also linked to state of the microbiome within the intestinal tract.

The Miracle of it
While in the throws of hugging / cursing the porcelain thrown, it is often all to easy to forget that what is happening within your body is a miraculous thing. Your maternal organs are fighting to protect your baby from it’s natural response to something the body doesn’t recognize as part of itself. Your body does not recognize it’s make-up as part of you, and that is because it isn’t you. It is part of you and part of your partner. Your baby is it’s own person, while from you, your baby is also a separate individual, with a unique make-up which contains the genetic bond between you and your partner.

Emotionally and spiritually it can be so helpful in your healing and coping process to remember that every time you are nauseous or you throw up, it is because your body is fighting hard to protect that little miraculous life growing within your womb. Looking at it in this manner, the attitude of misery and state of depression can be transformed into a positive and almost gratefulness for the wondrous power and strength that your body has to sustain this little life until mature enough to come earthside into your arms.

You want this battle! Every discomforting feeling can bring hope, as you are one step closer and your baby is being protected by the perfect and divine design of your maternal body.

* Please Note *
When choosing a brand of Essential Oil, Herb or Supplement,
it is vitally important to choose based on quality, not cost.
(Always research the company, the founder, philosophy, quality, sourcing location and method, etc.)

All Essential Oil Recommendations are Based on Medicinal Quality Essential Oils, ONLY.


Photo Sourced from Guide Global

1) Ginger

Ginger is a common and useful remedy in Chinese medicine. Ginger is very calming and eases nausea greatly. It is based on the system of yin and yang and other opposing factors, including heat and cold. Ginger is a hot (yang) remedy and can be a huge benefit to you during pregnancy if you are on the opposing cold (ying) end. If you often wrap yourself in blankets, layer your clothing or find the need to drink hot drinks for warmth, generally feel introspective and disinterested in your surroundings, then ginger is a perfectly suited internal balancer for you. If you find yourself on the hot (yang) end, then it is possible that it can make your body more off-balance, whereby making your symptoms and feelings of sickness worse.

Ginger Essential Oil
Essential oils are the most potent and effective means of encouraging healing within the body. When choosing an Essential Oil it is imperative to choose by Grade and not by cost. There is a huge difference between an aromatic grade essential oil, which should never be ingested or absorbed into the skin, and a certified pure therapeutic grade essential oil, which can be ingested / absorbed into the body.

  • Aromatically Diffused, delighting the senses
  • Applied topically to the skin, but should be diluted in a carrier oil for young or sensitive skin
  • Rubbed on the abdomen or bottoms of the feet to aid in nausea
  • Can be ingested internally by placing 1-2 drops into a capsule

Ginger Tincture
The general Ginger Tincture dose is 2-3 dropperfuls, or about 60 drops and can be taken 3-5 times per day.

Ginger Tea
Grate some fresh ginger root and add 2 teaspoons to a cup of boiling distilled water, let steep and strain the ginger gratings. While the response from using fresh ginger root is going to be the best, you can also purchase Traditional Medicinals Organic Ginger Tea. Drink 2-3 cups a day.

Ginger Capsules
Nature’s Way makes an all natural organic capsule of powdered ginger. Start with a minimal dose and work your way up till you find the right amount (of internal balance) for you, as each individual is different. Be mindful that ingesting too much ginger can have a hallucinogenic response, if overdone. Listen intuitively to your body and find what is right for you. Be aware also that there is often a break down in the absorption of any herb when ingested via capsule. Capsules are not generally easily absorbed and sometimes the herbs are burnt in the powdering process. Again, brand specific is important when choosing an herb or powdered herb.

Sipping some mild bubbly is often comforting to the stomach. Do keep in mind that many products on the market only contain a flavoring of ginger and do not actually contain ‘real’ ginger at all. It is important to purchase a good quality ginger-ale from your local health food / wholefoods store.

Dehydrated Ginger
YEP! Just slice up your ginger root and dehydrate it. Keep a few pieces by your bedside or in your pocket as you are out and about. As you begin to feel nauseous, or if a smell affects you, simply pull a piece out and chew on it!

Cooking and Meals
Try adding ginger to your diet and cooking with it by grating or grounding fresh ginger root into your foods.



Photo Courtesy of
Marion Kay Spices

2) Peppermint

While Ginger is the hot (yang), Peppermint is the cold (yin). If you constantly feel hot and are needing or wanting to remove layers of clothing, desire cold cold drinks, feel hot and bothered and red in the face, are generally hot tempered and feeling irritable then Peppermint is the Herb for you! Peppermint also aids the ailments of irritable bowel syndrome, digestive problems and spastic colon.

Be mindful that if you are using any type of homeopathy, mint of any kind is an anecdote, as the strong mint aroma will stop homeopathic remedies from being effective.

Peppermint Essential Oil
Again, when choosing an Essential Oil it is imperative to choose by Grade and not by cost. Essential oils are extremely potent. For example, 1 drop of dōTERRA Brand Peppermint Essential Oil is equivalent to drinking 30 cups of peppermint tea. You are not limited to this brand, this is only an example used on the potency of essential oils, versus dried herbs.

  • Aromatically Diffused, delighting the senses
  • Mix in hands with a carrier oil, hands cupped over nose and mouth, inhale deeply
  • Applied topically to the skin, but should be diluted in a carrier oil for young or sensitive skin
  • Rubbed on the abdomen or bottoms of the feet to aid in nausea
  • Can be ingested internally by placing 1-2 drops into a capsule

Peppermint Tea
Fill a glass pitcher with distilled water and ice, and then add in fresh peppermint leaves! Drink drink drink. It is refreshing, calming to the digestive system, reduces nausea and keeps you hydrated. Traditional Medicinals Peppermint Tea is also a lovely option. Drink 2-3 cups a day.

Peppermint Leaves and Candies
Having peppermint leaves or candies to chew or suck on can also be very helpful.


As explained above Essential Oils (EO) are organic substances which are derived from the volatile liquid within plants. EO are convenient, quick and easy to use and can enhance the bodies own natural ability to maintain a healthy state of vitality. They promote healing by supporting and encouraging the balance within the body without harmful side effects or chemically laced products.

~ Please note ~
When selecting Essential Oils it is important to make sure they are therapeutic, food grade oils, and not perfume grade




3) Essential Oils

There are many different companies on the market today for essential oils, however, not all are created equal. They can be used topically, ingested and diffused.

Top Medicinal Brands

  1. Mountain Rose Herbs
  2. Plant Therapy
  3. doTERRA
  4. Rocky Mountain Herbs


Boiron Homeopathy - www.bloomingwaterlilies.com

4) Homeopathy

You should ideally see a qualified Naturopathic Physician, Midwife, or Holistic Practitioner prior to taking homeopathic remedies when you are pregnant. For many, this is not an option when it comes to location or insurance. If you are going to undertake your own homeopathic care, always choose the 30c strength tablet and be mindful of the changes within your body from such remedy, and adjust accordingly to your bodies needs. Increase number of tablets until you find the specific amount for your individual body.

Homeopathic Phosphorus
Boiron Homeopathic Phosphorus 30c, often recommended by Midwives, is a natural supplement with a strong punch which for many women suffering with hyperemesis gravidarum, is considered a homeopathic gift from God. When taken as directed on the bottle, it can lessen the occurrences of nausea and vomiting from 8-9 times per day, down to 3-4 times, or even less, depending on the individual and the severity of the response to the battling hormones.

~ Please Note ~
Boiron Homeopathic Pellets have a sugar base which may interfere with the balance and treatment of gestational diabetes.

Mint is an anecdote to homeopathy and should also be avoided while under going any kind of homeopathic treatment.


Wishgarden Calm - a - Tum - www.bloomingwaterlilies.com

5) Herbal Tinctures

The liquid extract form of an herb is referred to as a tincture. A tincture is the next best way to intake an herb, as the liquid menstrum (generally alcohol) extracts even more chemicals than water which would be the method used in the extraction process of steeping tea. The alcohol also preserves the herbs so that they have a shelf life which lasts for many years. Tinctures mostly bypass digestion and are then easily and efficiently absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

In acute or severe related symptoms, liquid tinctures are preferred over dried encapsulated remedies. Tinctures are absorbed immediately the moment they enter the mouth, bringing an almost instant response. When battling morning sickness or hyperemesis gravidarum, the digestive system is not functioning optimally and this can diminish the benefits of an encapsulated herb whose capsule first needs to be disintegrated to release the herb and then digestion must occur over the next 45 minutes to ensure absorption into the bloodstream. When the digestive system is not assimilating well, there is a breakdown in this process, leaving much of the herb to be passed through the body, or vomited, in this case, as waste.

If you are sensitive to the overwhelming taste of the alcohol and bitterness of a tincture, it can be dissipated in a cup of hot distilled water, and allowed to rest for 20-30 minutes before consumption.

For those who feel the need to avoid alcohol altogether, it would be important to note that the amount of alcohol in any given dose of alcohol based herbal tincture, is the same as can be found in one ripe banana.


Sea Bands in Pregnancy - www.bloomigwaterlilies.com

Photo Courtesy of In The Know Mom

6) Sea-Band is a knitted elasticated wrist band, which operates by applying pressure on the Nei Kuan acupressure point on each wrist by means of a plastic stud. Because the bands do not use drugs, they do not cause any of the side effects associated with anti-nausea drugs and can be worn on each wrist whenever you feel nauseous. They are suitable for adults and children. It doesn’t get much more natural than this.

~ Instructions given directly from the Sea-Bands website ~

Sea-Bands may be used to relieve motion sickness, morning sickness and vomiting, as well as nausea and vomiting associated with cancer. To ensure your Sea-Bands work properly, please follow the instructions below to position your wristbands correctly.

  • Place your middle three fingers on the inside of your wrist with the edge of the third finger on the wrist crease. The Nei-Kuan point is just under the edge of your index finger between the two central tendons.
  • Position the button facing downward over the Nei-Kuan point. Repeat the process for the other wrist.
  • One band must be worn on each wrist to be effective. Sea-Bands can be put onto your wrist before you start travelling, or after you have started your journey.
  • Sea-Band is suitable for adults and children.

Sea Band Visual - www.bloomingwaterlilies.com

Photo Courtesy of Wannabe Mom


Pregnancy Heaven - BloomingWaterLilies.com

Photo Courtesy of Chiropractic Care

7) Chiropractic Care

I honestly believe that Chiropractic Care is the cure all for almost any ailment or sickness within the body. Many families are beginning to move away from modern “medical” care and seeing a Chiropractor on a regular basis, (every month or every few months) and schedule to see them at the first sign of an imbalance of any kind within the body. Regular Chiropractic Care is the best preventative measure towards maintaining optimal health.

The benefits of Chiropractic Care throughout the duration of pregnancy and into postpartum are immeasurable.

  • 24% Shorter Labors
  • Proper Pelvic Alignment
  • Removes any interference to the nervous system
  • 84% increase in back pain relief
  • Less likely to have back labor
  • Webster technique for encouraging breech babies to turn sunny side up!
  • Increased Breastmilk
  • The list goes on and on!!!

When it comes to morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum, some women are able to completely alleviate the nausea with chiropractic care. All pregnancies are different with their own set of hormone dynamics. Depending on the pregnancy this can be a very effective treatment for nausea and vomiting, overall wellness, and comfort. Not to mention that it has HUGE benefits for all areas of your pregnancy journey!

Take the time to find the right Chiropractor for you! Not all are equal, and not all Chiropractors specialize in Chiropractic Care specific to the pregnant woman. Find one who is trained, skilled and experienced in Prenatal Chiropractic Care.



Photo Courtesy of Preggie Bellies

8) Proper Diet

While this is undoubtedly a no brainer, it can be extremely difficult to even consider what a proper diet entails when you are vomiting upwards of 8-9 times per day.

Eating a significant amount of protein right before going to bed at night can be immensely helpful for many woman in ensuring a smoother transition in the mornings. Midwife Stephanie Fritz recommends consuming as much as twenty to thirty grams of protein before bed to stay ahead of the impending sickness that many woman suffer as the sun rises.

Keeping a protein bar, saltine crackers, and some dehydrated ginger chips by the bedside, and taking small bites and nibbles during midnight bathroom trips, as well as before even sitting up first thing in the morning, can be very helpful. This prepares the stomach for gravity once you rise also.

Foods rich in thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and vitamin A, all help to replace what the body loses every time vomiting occurs.

  • Foods high in protein rather than high in fat
  • Moderate carbs
  • Nuts, especially almonds!
  • Cheese
  • Water biscuits
  • Full-cream milk / Coconut Milk / Coconut Water
  • Fresh fruit
  • Avocados
  • Coconut Oil
  • Homemade soups
  • Bone broth
  • Chicken
When the going gets really rough, then it’s time for the rough to get going! Often times, a meal replacement supplement can be exactly the energy booster that a women needs to get her through those really rough patches up onto higher ground.

  • Provides the nutrition of a well-balanced healthy meal
  • Naturally filling, satisfing hunger and providing energy
  • Provides live probiotics and enzymes for healthy digestion

Garden of Life

Image sourced from iherb


9) Small – Frequent Meals

Eating smaller than usual meals helps the digestive system process on a smaller more manageable level. Just as a breastfeeding baby needs to eat every 2 hours, so should the woman during pregnancy. Smaller meals, more frequently will aid in the digestive process without overwhelming it, and provide the body and baby with a more constant and consistent flow of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and a healthy calorie intake. This is especially important if vomiting occurs regularly throughout the day.

Eating smaller meals also aids the organs as they make-way and move to make room for the growing baby within the uterus.



10) Short – Regular Walks

Taking a short walk after each meal can help tremendously in aiding the digestive system in processing the small meal you have just eaten.

This not only allows for gravity to work after eating a meal, but the movement also aids in the clearing of the stomach and the bowel.

It is important, even in the last few weeks of pregnancy, to consciously walk with upright posture, giving gravity the best advantage, but also ensuring that the spine and the pelvis remain in proper alignment in preparation for birth.


11) The Perfect Prenatal

Constant vomiting quickly depletes the body of thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and vitamin A. When food intake is minimal, at best, it is vital that these nutrients are replaced from a quality source. Finding a prenatal multi-vitamin that has all the perfect perks, required nutrients, and is cost effective is not an easy challenge. Then when you think you just might have gotten it right you find out the hard way that it also contains ingredients derived from sources that your very sensitive tummy is not looking for… You want whole food based, ideally.

Top Brands

  1. Mega Foods Baby and Me
  2. Garden of Life
  3. New Chapter
  4. Seeking Health

New Chapter - Perfect Prenatal - www.bloomingwaterlilies.com

Photo Courtesy of New Chapter



Image Sourced From Whole Foods Market

12) HydrationNeeding to drink an abundance of water is common knowledge. However, when you are vomiting it can be difficult to drink water, knowing that it is just going to come back up.When suffering the symptoms of hyerpemesis gravidarum, the excess of vomiting not only leads to severe dehydration but also an severe lose of electrolytes. Drinking water would be swell and all, but if you are in a way where even your own saliva makes you gag, water is probably just not going to cut it alone.

Most commonly known for electrolyte replacement are many popular sports drinks. For women and families who take great care in what they are consuming, the bulk of the ingredients found in the average store bought sports drink can be kind of scary. Especially after there business practices are researched and an understanding is gained about the manner in which the electrolytes are sourced. Most people are not aware that most electrolyte replacement products on the market today source their electrolytes from aborted fetal cells. See related articles and documentation. Then do your own research. Knowledge, not ignorance!

Coconut Water is one of the best electrolyte replacement sources.

Coco Hydro

  • A high performance electrolyte drink mix made from certified organic coconut water powder.
  • Mineral rich Bali sea salt and ionic trace minerals added to the formula to aid in extreme workouts. (Growing a baby is a pretty extreme workout now!)
  • Fortified with Ionic Trace Minerals from the Great Salt Lake
  • Made from certified organic coconut water
  • Coconuts sourced directly from over 6,000 farmers
  • Available in Lemon-lime, Original, Pomegranate-Raspberry & Pineapple

If you are able to manage with water alone, I would encourage you to invest in a good quality water filter which filters out chlorine and fluoride, if applicable to the water supply where you live. Fluoride is actually a poison. Steam distilled water is the best method but it can be costly upfront, yet saving hundreds in the long run, while saving your kidneys and other organs in the process. Bottled water is never a positive source. Again I encourage you to do your own research, Youtube even has full length documentaries on bottle water companies such as Nestle Pure Life.

The information contained in this Article has not been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or otherwise. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician, Midwife, or other health care professional, but rather as a platform for further education and research on your part. It is always advised to discuss your health care decisions with your Care Provider, personally.

Reference Resources and additional Readers

Heart and Hands: A Midwifes Guide to Pregnancy and Birth
Modern Essentials a Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils
Everything Essential
Wishgarden Herbal Remedies
BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
Redeeming Childbirth: Experiencing His Presence in Pregnancy, Labor, Childbirth, and Beyond
Hyperemesis Gravidarum In Pregnancy – Symptoms And Treatments
American Pregnancy Association – Promoting Pregnancy Wellness
New Chapter – Prefect Prenatal
Watch, Learn, Grow – Angie Tolpin
Big Tree Farms – Coco Hydro
Benefits of Essential Oils Throughout Pregnancy, Labor and into Postpartum

A Breakdown of a Doula’s Fees – Why Doulas Charge What they Do

Attending births and providing support to expectant Momma’s is one of the greatest passions in my life. Being in a position that positively encourages a Women’s desire to have the birth she wants while supporting her journey is one of the most humbling honors… educating, enlightening and empowering…

There are some AMAZING Doula’s from San Antonio to Austin. From the ones just starting out to the ones who have led the way for people like me, and even those who have taken the next step and passed over into Midwifery. It is such a blessing to be in the company of such incredible Women.

One of the biggest and most pressing questions potential clients want to know from the start is how much I charge for my services. There is always this lingering sense to me that Doula Services are just lined along the driveway of a garage sale and the one with the cutest look, lots of miles and cheapest price is the one that people are looking for. Lets examine that for just a moment.

Cutest Look

  • Okay, let’s be honest here. Everyone judges a book by it’s cover whether meant to or not. The look is the first impression. But what does the look really say about the care and dedication that will be provided when it really matters? No Doula is going to show up to a birth looking the way she did in the initial meeting anymore than she is going to expect her client to look the way she did after 10+ hours of intense labor. There is work to be done. Take the time to really search out the heart of the Doula, interview several, even the one you might consider to be the least compatible at first glance, and find the one that is right for you on every level, not just one or two. Also consider who their back-up Doula is, or their partner Doula, and make sure that falls in line with what you are seeking as your support system as well.

Lots of Miles

  • The Experienced Doula – I am not in any way knocking experience here! Not for a moment. I personally have 15+ years of experience working with expectant Mother’s. I am comfortable charging for my services and knowing that the care I provide is well worth above and beyond what I charge. I also want my services to be affordable to families. Every family deserves support and care, regardless of circumstance. The Doula with a great deal of experience is often scrutinized for what appears to be such a high fee range without really taking into consideration her training, experience, or how the individual services might add up.
  • The New Doula – When you move or take a break from Doula-ing to have more children and then begin to offer care service again, you often end up back at square one on the “New Doula Block.” It takes a lot of time and investment to get the wheels rolling. For the New-new Doula’s, It does sometimes hurt my heart a bit when I see new Doula’s cast aside for lack of experience. There is something to be said for the spirit of the new Doula, the tenacity, the excitement, the eagerness to learn. This should be bottled and used for every ounce it is worth! This eagerness is often taken advantage of by her feeling obligated to offer services for FREE, or at extremely reduced rates, regardless of training or her expenses to provide care services from pregnancy, through labor & birth and into postpartum. While I understand the viewpoint on this, (She can do the birth for free and gain experience), I also understand the cost of volunteering to be ones Doula. The time and the financial investment of that new Doula. In all honesty, the Doula’s with more experience and a greater client base are the ones who have much more wiggle room to volunteer services on occasion, often without such a pinch to themselves financially. Be understanding that while a new Doula is willing to trade the service for free to gain the experience, what she is really doing is paying to learn from that experience and then also providing you with a valuable service that she is also paying for. Yes, this means that the Doula is paying to be your Doula. New Doula’s who set a minimal fee are often just asking to break even and not really profiting at all.

Cheapest Price – The cheapest price really does not mean the best value with this kind of service. We are talking about birth here and the person you are entrusting to provide support and guidance through that journey, not the greatest bargain on the dollar shelf. It really comes down to understanding the in’s and out’s of the cost of Doula Care for the Client and for the Doula.

“Why do Doula’s charge so much?”

I think that when people often look into Doula Care, and are shocked by the cost, they are only considering the reflection of that cost as it pertains to the Doula’s presence at their birth ONLY. Not realizing the other services which are included in that cost. Let’s break it down.

Aside from the cost of education, books, workshops, continued education, and advertising (website, cards, brochures), we also take into consideration the time that it takes for all of these, as well as out of pocket expenses.

Let’s just break down one of my packages in terms of time that I spend with my clients during the course of their pregnancy, labor, and postpartum:

Pregnancy, Labor & Birth Package §

  • Initial consultation meeting – Approximately 2 hours (plus gas and drive time)
  • Two prenatal meetings (One can be at a prenatal appointment to meet your caregiver.) Approximately 4 hours (Plus gas and drive time)
  • Birth Plan Assistance – Average, off and on, 1-2 hours
  • ASAP telephone, text, and email support during contact hours (8am-8pm) Average 4 hours
  • 24/7 On-Call period 2 weeks before/after your estimated due date – Typically 38-42 weeks gestation

This can be a 4 – 5 week On-Call 24/7

Can you really put a time on that?

Would you really want a Doula to put a price on that?

  • Around the clock Labor and Birth support once labor has begun – 10+ hours 

This is a VERY low estimate. The duration of labor can vary drastically. While a comfortable average can be estimated at about 10 hours, there is no extra charge for labors which are 36+ hours, just as there is no less charge for a -2 hour labor.

  • Immediate postpartum support of approximately 2-3 hours, or until the baby has nursed successfully and the family is settled – 2-3 hours
  • Two postpartum visit to discuss your birth, share photos, dote over your new arrival, discuss options for additional support (breastfeeding, cloth diapering, baby wearing, etc.) – Approximately 4 hours (Plus gas and drive time)

With these approximations, we’re looking at about 25-30 hours, in the least, just for interaction with my clients, If you add in another estimated 3 hours for research, paperwork, etc., that goes into setting up each client, we’re well over 28-32 hours.


The average trip I make to meet with clients is approximately 30-40 miles one way.  These estimates are based on this Miles Per Dollar Calculator and my vehicle.

  • Trip time (based on 5 trips) – 7.5 hours
  • Gas costs (based on 35 miles one way – 5 trips) – $94.34

Childcare & Food Costs

  • Childcare – Approximately $100 per client including visits and birth
  • Food During Birth – Approximately $10 depending on the length of birth

Miscellaneous Costs

  • Hospital Parking and tolls – Approximately $10
  • Materials for Clients – Approximately $5
  • Credit Card or Paypal Fees –Approximately 2%-3%

Total Time and Out of Pocket Expenses

  • Time – 38 hours
  • Childcare – $100
  • Food – $10
  • Gas – $94
  • Misc – $15

Total Out of Pocket Expenses – $219

Let’s do the Math

Remember the Taxes
Don’t forget that you’re looking at state or federal tax (depending on where you live and what bracket you fall into) and you also have the 13.3% Self Employment Tax (that’s the state of Texas – 10.4% for Social Security and 2.9% for Medicare).This is figured for the State of Texas and DOES NOT include Income Tax because that would depend on your tax bracket.

Doula Fee –  $400

Less Expenses – (-$219)

Remainder applied toward hours of work (38) – $181

Approximately $4.76 per hour (not even minimum wage) – $53.20 Self Employment Tax

Doula Fee –  $500

Less Expenses – (-$219)

Remainder applied toward hours of work (38) – $281

Approximately $7.39 per hour – $66.50 Self Employment Tax

Doula Fee –  $600

Less Expenses – (-$219)

Remainder applied toward hours of work (38) – $381

Approximately $10.03 per hour – $79.80 Self Employment Tax

Doula Fee –  $700

Less Expenses – (-$219)

Remainder applied toward hours of work (38) – $481

Approximately $12.66 per hour – $93.10 Self Employment Tax

Doula Fee –  $800

Less Expenses – (-$219)

Remainder applied toward hours of work (38) – $581

Approximately $15.29 per hour – $106.40 Self Employment Tax

Doula Fee –  $900

Less Expenses – (-$219)

Remainder applied toward hours of work (38) – $681

Approximately $17.92 per hour – $119.70 Self Employment Tax

Doula Fee –  $1,000

Less Expenses – (-$219)

Remainder applied toward hours of work (38) – $781

Approximately $20.55 per hour – $133.00 Self Employment Tax

Again, this is based on my personal time and expenses. Of course, over the duration of my time with a client, I can spend more or less one on one time.  This is all approximations.

In the grand scheme of things, you’re paying for an invaluable service during your pregnancy, labor, and birth. The difference a Doula can make during this time is often priceless. The least that can be done is to pay her asking fee.

Do you think that an OB or Midwife would lower his/her costs if a mom told him/her that the fees just are not in their family’s budget? This does happen on occasion with Midwives who are blessed with the ability or position to be a bit flexible, but you would never see this with an OB. Doula’s are a valuable asset to a mom’s birth team. A Doula stays at your side from beginning to end, while your OB watches from afar and only comes in right before baby is preparing to make their grand appearance. We Doula’s have bills to pay and responsibilities just as every other family. The electric company is not going to waive or reduce our monthly bill because it doesn’t fit into our budgets! Our time is valuable and we selflessly give of it to our client’s – just ask our Husband’s and children whom we have missed Holiday’s, birthday’s, and even High School Graduations to be with our client’s, selflessly. Mother’s labor in love for their babies and Doula’s labor in love for their client’s.

A Special Thank You

I want to take a moment and thank the very brilliant Doula, Lisa Johnston of “In The Beginning Doula Services,” for the time and effort that she put into putting this statistical information together for Doula’s to use as a resource for themselves and their clients. It has reminded me that I should not undercharge myself for all of the work which goes into what I do to provide the best of care to my clients and I hope that it will open the eyes of expectant families, to see clearly how and why Doula’s set their rates the way that they do, and the value of the care provided to them, even though a time clock is not punched.

This information was changed and altered to accurately reflect my personal time of investment and expenditures, as well as my own personal viewpoints.


Reference Resource

In The Beginning Doula Services

Recommended Additional Reading

What Makes Up a Doula’s Fees?

All Natural Teething Comfort Measures

Not too long ago, baby numbing ointments were the recommended way to treat and bring comfort to a baby during the teething stage. It is now known that the numbing medication used in these kinds of products actually toughens the gum, whereby making it more difficult for the teeth to break through and causing more damage to the gums which creates additional and unnecessary pain.

With pain relieving products also comes a rather lengthy list of possible side effects and disruptions to the normal physiological processes within the body. It’s important to understand that teeth move by impacting. Babies will “teethe” for 2 -3 days, and then the teeth stop moving for one to several weeks, and then begin impacting again for several days. This can happen several times before a tooth finally peeks out of the gum line! This gradual movement helps to protect the integrity of the gums and allow baby (and momma and papa) some reprieve amidst the process.

There are much more gentle ways to bring “natural” relief…

Crushed Ice Sock

Putting some crushed ice into a tiny sock and letting baby chew on it until their hearts content can be entertaining for them, educational as well as sensory discovery, but also bring comfort to sore gum during the teething process.

Lavender, Cloves & Olive or Coconut Oil / Essential Oils

Cloves are an all natural pain reliever. Simply taking a whole organic clove and grounding it into a fine powder and then combining it with a high quality extra virgin olive oil and gently rubbing it onto baby’s gums.  You can also use Clove Essential Oil ( a very very tiny amount as this is a very hot essential oil – we call this “residue” which is simply touching the top of the bottle and using the small amount of residue on your fingertip as your application ), mixed for dilution with extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil and rub onto gums. Homemade and all-natural baby pain relieving ointment! Line the outside of the jaw with Lavender essential oil to calm and soothe baby and the tension occurring within the jaw and gum line. If baby has a fever in conjunction with the teething discomfort, the essential oil combination is layered lavender, then peppermint along the hair line of the forehead and back of the neck.

Another Alternative ~ Homeopathic Teething Tablets

Another option for instant relief, as well as for moments of extreme discomfort late at night when sleeping is disrupted, you can use Hyland’s Homeopathic Teething Tablets. Homeopathic Tablets are a great option for little ailments. The simplest way to begin to understand how Homeopathy works is the understanding that ‘Like Cures Like.”
“Homeopathy demonstrates that a substance that produces a certain set of symptoms in a healthy person can cure a sick person experiencing those same symptoms. For instance, onions make your eyes water when you cut them. If you have a cold or allergies and your symptoms include a runny nose, the likely remedy to treat your runny nose would be Allium Cepa, which is made from onions.”
~ Hyland’s
A tiny tablet is placed gently under the tongue or in the pocket of the cheek. Tablets dissolve very quickly in the mouth. When baby is very little, I usually recommend holding the tablet gently under the tongue, and kind of wiggling it in baby’s saliva for a few seconds, till it starts to get soft, so they don’t swallow it whole or spit it out. As babies get older and come into toddler hood, they will often open their mouths, inviting the tablet in, knowing that it will help them feel better, and it doesn’t taste too bad either. The tablets from Hyland’s come in different varieties for different ailments. Colic, coughs, earaches, colds, etc. Most natural food stores carry homeopathic remedies, as well as some local and general grocers. They can also be purchased online, by following the links below.
I do not recommend the “nighttime teething” tablets for young babies.

Homeopathic Colic Tablets
 (To settle troubled tummies)

Homeopathic Teething Tablets
 (For instant relief in teething discomfort)

For more information please visit Hyland’s Homeopathy

 Arnica Oil

Homeopathy at it’s best… Simply rub a small amount of the oil along the jaw line to reduce swelling, internal bruising, and discomfort as teeth are making their way slowly to the surface.

Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces


Baby B.

Genuine Baltic Amber has been considered a natural remedy for hundreds of years. For babies specifically, it is known for its ability to sooth the pain associated with teething. Amber is a fossilized tree resin which contains succinic acid. When worn against the warmth of the skin trace amounts of succinic acid are released, and it is then absorbed into the skin, providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This means pain relief for teething babies in the form of a reduction in the inflammation of the gums, whereby allowing the emergence of the teeth with greater ease and often times even reducing the amount of drool involved with the process. There are options for babies and adults who suffer from arthritis and other pains associated with chronic inflammation.

  • Variety of Color Options
  • Bead Shape – Rounded, Chipped or Oval
  • Necklaces or Bracelets

The resin within the necklace usually lasts for about 1 year, but will recharge and releases succinic acid after having been exposed to the warmth and energy of the sunlight. So exposing baby to the sunlight for about 10-15 minutes a day helps it to release the maximum amount of succinic acid per day, not to mention the other health benefits gained from the absorption of sunlight.

Another thing to be aware of, is that the absorption from the resin into the blood stream takes about 2 weeks to reach its maximum effectiveness and REALLY see a very substantial decrease in discomfort. Many people take it off after the first day, when they don’t see a change. It takes a bit of time and consistency for the properties to work effectively.

Also understanding how teeth emerge. Teeth will gradually move, impacting for 2-3 days at a time and then they pause, and will move again days or even weeks later. Discomfort will naturally come and go during these times. Wearing the necklace consistently ensures that the inflammation is reduced during the time the teeth begin to impact again. This also allows the teeth to move with greater ease and less discomfort.

The necklace can be worn as baby sleeps, as it is very tiny and short, similar to a choker necklace, but loose enough to not be a choking hazard, and not long enough for baby to be able to grab it up over the chin and into the mouth. Some parents are not comfortable with baby sleeping while the necklace, and it is perfectly okay to take it off and put it on throughout the day, between baby’s sleep cycles. Just find what is comfortable for you. I find that more resin seems to be released while sleeping, since our body temperature rises as we sleep. Should baby break the necklace, which is EXTREMELY difficult to do, each bead is knotted into the strand individually so the strand stays together if broken, and no loose beads become a choking hazard. It really is designed well, with the safety and comfort of baby in mind.

Genuine and authentic Amber teething necklaces can be purchased online at

Momma Goose,

The Art of Cure,


Amber Artisans

– or –

locally here in San Antonio, at

Go Baby Go

It is important that you purchase

“authentic baltic amber”

How To Spot A Fake Amber Teething Necklace




Fenolic resins



Modern plastic


Copal is sold as Baltic amber, but in fact this is very young tree resins( 1000- 1million years old). Natural inclusions are possible in Copal, but usually they are falsified. Insects are inserted in them that are too big and too good-looking. Copal melts at rather a low temperature (lower than 150 C ), and tends to melts rather than burn. After heating it diffuses the “sweet” smell of burning resins.


It is easy to distinguish glass from amber: it is more solid; it cannot be scratched by metal. Glass is cold and fireproof.

Fenolic resins

Frequently, this material is found in artificial amber beads. These amber beads have especially exact shape (oval, faceted), the color is very similar to real amber (dark red, cloudy yellow, limpid). After heating it does not diffuse the smell of pine-tree resins, which is characteristic for Baltic amber.


Celluloid (cellulose nitrate) is usually yellow and cloudy. Optically it is difficult to distinguish it from amber. Celluloid is more solid and not so combustible. After heating it diffuses the smell of burnt plastic.


This is a plastic made from milk. The beads have cloudy, turbid yellow color. It is a little bit heavier than amber. After heating it diffuses the smell of burnt plastic.

Modern Plastic

Modern plastic (polyester, polystyrene) are used to produce artificial amber and inclusions. Optically this substitute can hardly be distinguished because with it authentic amber colors and limpidity can be obtained. Like in Copal, falsified inclusions are too big (more than 10 mm) and clearly seen, inserted in the very center of plastic. After heating it diffuses the smell of burnt plastic.

Testing your amber for authenticity

Genuine and authentic baltic amber should release a “pine scent,” not a “plastic scent,” when heated.

Heat Test

All natural amber contains microscopic bubbles. When you apply heat to a single piece of amber, these bubbles evaporate and the amber becomes transparent. The greater the temperature, the darker the amber will become. This technique can be used to discern if the precious amber contains any inclusions. It is also used to add variety to the coloration of natural amber. It does not, however, increase or decrease the value of real amber or the healing ability of natural amber. Heat a needle point in a flame until it is very hot (after a long while with a long-handled kitchen lighter I finally got mine to glow a little), then touch the tip of the needle to a bead in a non-obvious area. If it smells like pine resin (think “christmas tree smell”), it’s likely to be true baltic amber. Now, the smell is not necessarily particularly pleasant and could be confused with plastic for that reason. You are looking for is a pine odor within the overall fragrance. Amber is fragile – sticking with a hot needle you will notice some cracks, while a needle will pierce plastic without cracking it.

There is only one case it may not be amber, and that is if it’s copal (immature tree resin) instead. Fortunately, the next test can help you distinguish between amber and copal.

The Rubbing Test 

This is generally considered the simplest of the testing methods. (The best way is to rub into the palm of the hand) It is possible to heat real amber by rubbing until it releases the smell of pine- tree resins. This needs a very strong hand, as it is rather difficult to heat amber (especially when polished) to the necessary temperature, and it could be difficult to make an experiment with amber set in jewelry, as trying to rub it into other materials the amber could get scratched. Wrap the necklace in a soft cloth and rub rub rub – if it’s true amber it will become electrostatically charged enough to pick up small pieces of paper. Copal will not take on an electrostatic charge and may become sticky. (source)

The Alcohol Test 

Both copal and plastic will deteriorate when they come into contact with a solvent. (source)  “Plastics are quickly attacked by alcohol (95% ethyl alcohol), acetone (100%), and ether. A few drops of acetone (fingernail polish remover) or alcohol dripped over the surface of the piece will reveal if it holds up to the solvent. If the surface becomes tacky, it’s not amber. Amber will not feel tacky or dissolve under these solvents.” (source) You do not want to use an acetone-free nail polish remover for this testing method.

The Saltwater Test

Amber is so light that it will float in salt water. To test your necklace, mix together a solution of 1 part salt to 2 parts water. (For example, you could use 1/3 cup salt to 2/3 cup water.) Dissolve the salt completely and drop your necklace in the mixture. Plastic and glass will sink, true baltic amber and some types of copal will float. If you’re not sure whether your necklace is amber or copal, try the rubbing test.

The information contained in this Article has not been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or otherwise. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional, but rather as a platform for further education and research on your part. It is always advised to discuss your health care decisions with your Care Provider, personally.
Source Listings

The Use of Feminine Care Products And How It Can Possibly Be Affecting Your Fertility

Have you ever considered what is in disposable maxi pads or tampons?

Maxi PadsThe majority of us have probably never even given thought to what effects these kinds of products have on the normal working balance of our bodies and our womanly cycles. It would seem common sense that anything inserted into the body is going to have some kind of effect on the bodies homeostasis balance. Tampon companies frequently do not list the ingredients in their tampon products, or in the least they give vague descriptions such as “fiber finishes” or “fragrance,” without listing specifically what those finishes are or what actually makes up that fragrance so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not you want to insert that into your body to be absorbed by your vaginal wall, your cervix, your uterus and into your blood stream. Tampons have warning labels for the possible bacterial infection that can be caused by the absorbency fibers of the tampon, known as TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome). However, there are no warnings about the many chemicals and carcinogens within the products as well. Women who have used tampons have often complained of rashes, painful dryness and of course yeast and bladder infections. Perhaps there is also a direct correlation between their use and problems such as endometriosis, vulvodynia, and infertility, to name a few.

What Sanitary products (pads and tampons) are made from:

“The materials used to manufacture most pads are derived from the petroleum industry and forestry. The absorbent core, made from chlorine bleached wood pulp, could be reduced to make slimmer products with the addition of polyacrylate gels which sucks up the liquid quickly and holds it in a suspension under pressure. The remaining materials are mostly derived from the petroleum industry, the cover stock used is polypropylene non woven, with the leak-proof barrier made from polyethylene film. The extraction, production and manufacture of these plastics contributes Nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide and Carbon dioxide – ozone depleting gases; human toxins that lead to cancer and birth defects as well as chemicals that cause the acidification of trees.”     ~ Wikipedia

Some of the known ingredients in tampons include: cotton, rayon, polyester, polyacrylate, propylene, polyethylene, fiber finishes, and dioxin, which is created during the chlorine bleaching process of the cotton and rayon.

Cotton – If you are choosing a product that contains non-organic cotton then the cotton used in these products has been sprayed by pesticides and herbicides which are known carcinogens. These pesticides and herbicides are being absorbed into your body via your most intimate organs. Each year around 84 million pounds of pesticides are used on the cotton fields of the United States. Of the top 15 pesticides in the United States, 7 of them have been declared as known human carcinogens by The Environmental Protection Agency.

Dioxin – The process by which the cotton is cleaned and sanitized for manufacturing use is known as chlorine bleaching, and it creates Dioxin. According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Services, Dioxins are chemical contaminants that are formed during a combustion processes such as waste incineration, forest fires, and backyard trash burning, as well as during some industrial processes such as paper pulp bleaching and herbicide manufacturing. Dioxin works as an anti-estrogen, by binding with Ah receptors which inhibits estrogen receptor binding, which in turn inhibits estrogen action.

Rayon – This is a man made fiber of polymers (wood pulp). Many chemicals are used in its manufacturing process as well as the chlorine bleaching process of the wood pulp which also creates dioxin. Rayon also increases the tampons absorbency, whereby increasing the risk of TSS.

Polyester – This is a synthetic fiber which is made from petroleum, coal, water and air. When these substances are combined with alcohol and acid a chemical reaction takes place, and you have polyester. It only absorbs oils, rather than moisture and it is used in the lining of maxi pads, their wrappers, coatings, and the tampon applicators.

Polyacrylate – Made form acrylic acid and sodium hydroxide, or lye, this polymer is used in feminine pads and diapers for its super absorbency. Each ingredient causes skin irritations; acrylic acid is corrosive and also negatively affects the respiratory system. Sodium hydroxide or the lye which is commonly used in the making of soaps will actually burn the skin on contact.

Polyethylene – Found in the making of pad liners, wrappers and the packaging of feminine care products. This is a thermoplastic polymer which offs-gas and is potentially a skin irritant. Plastics do not allow for good airflow to the vaginal opening which can cause a nasty and uncomfortable rash and become a breeding ground for yeast and bacterial infections.

Organic Tampons

Organic tampons contain 100% organic cotton that has not been showered in carcinogenic pesticides or herbicides. While this seems to be a much better option, the problem that still exists with this is the simple fact that something is still being inserted into the body that is not meant to be there.


Have you ever tried to remove a tampon right after inserting it?

Let’s really pause and think on this for a moment…

When you insert a dry piece of fiber into your vagina and then try and remove it immediately it feels stuck, and it is immensely discomforting, almost painful even, to pull on it for removal. As you pull, it begins to tear away at the cotton fiber of the tampon itself, often leaving a certain amount of the cotton fiber behind, still clinging to the inner wall of your vagina. But it also tears away at the lining wall of your vagina. The vaginal wall consists of fatty tissue, which easily absorbs and stores chemicals which should not be there, and very important glands that support the health and well being of the reproductive system. Both tampons and maxi pads disrupt the internal flora that is needed for healthy working womanly parts and the right balance of hormones necessary for conception. Our vagina’s are meant to be a very sacred part of our body and she needs to be treated delicately and with the utmost respect. It is important to be very cautious about what we are exposing her to (just as we are cautious about the partner we choose to share her with) whether it be a chemically laced feminine hygiene product, a personal lubricant,  or a latex condom.

An Option That is Safe

For Your Body, Your Fertility, and Your Environment

CostBenefits of Washable / Reusable Cloth Pads
Let’s take a look at the obvious environmental costs, as well as your personal financial cost.There is an extreme amount of waste product from the use of tampons/pads. Everything from the usable product to the packaging, the applicators, the bag the applicator/pad is individually wrapped in, to the ink and waste product during the manufacturing process in the factory to create a finished product full of pretty designs to entice you into buying a specific product over another. All of this ends up in waste landfills, or in our non-organic compost! While many packages boast about how the applicators are recyclable, have you EVER placed your discarded tampon applicator into your recycle bin!? Would you really want to??? Ummm… NO, Eeeewwww!On average, a woman uses between 300-420 tampons/pads per year, at a financial cost that could be upwards of $225.00 depending on the specific brand that you prefer. If you multiply that by the average 40 years that a woman will cycle, we are talking about a cost of roughly between $8,000 – $9,000 over the course of your life. Let’s not forget the additional financial cost you have when your daughters begin their cycles, along side of yours. Some girls begin their cycles at the age of 11 and 12 years old. That is a minimum of 6 – 7 years with double or triple the cost of feminine care products per month. Many women are taken aback when they first look at the cost of buying cloth pads. While they are certainly not inexpensive when it comes to the upfront cost, they are well worth the investment. That investment is also a one time upfront cost that will more than pay for itself before the year is done and you get to keep using them for years to come, saving you hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars. They are very durable, non-staining (depending on the fabric chosen), and easy to wash and care for.Washable/Reusable cloth pads have a multitude of benefits.

  • No pesticides or herbicides
  • No chlorine bleaching process which means no dioxin
  • No rash, drying, itching, burning
  • No absorbency chemicals, which draw the blood out, rather than it flowing on its own
  • No hormone disruption
  • No more lines or feelings of wearing a diaper
  • AMAZING absorption without sacrificing comfort
  • Breathability as cloth allows air to circulate (no sticky, sweaty)
  • Cycles become more regulated
  • Period bleeds become less heavy
  • Discomfort of headaches, cramping and bloating are drastically lessened
  • Normal vaginal flora is maintained
  • PMS is reduced within a few months of use due to the re-balance of essential hormones
  • Decreased risk of cancer, endometriosis, vulvodynia, and infertility
  • Decrease in the onset of yeast and bladder infections
  • Healthier Environment for yourself, your family, your future children, and their children
  • CUTE and FUN colors and designs as well as custom made sets just for you!
  • Less monthly / yearly feminine hygiene expenses

There are many different companies to choose from to begin building your stash of cloth pads. My personal recommendations for a good quality cloth pad would be through Pink Lemonade Shop or Tree Hugger Mama Cloth. You can choose from amazing matching sets or build your own custom set created to your specific style! Choose your fabric, sizes and colors! Both offer great options and styles of pads sure to meet your hygienic needs. Check them out and find the one that best fits your personal needs and style.

If you have serious concerns or issues with washing your pads, then another GREAT option is the Diva Cup or the Lunette Cup!


Reference Resources and additional Readers

Green Facts on health and the environment and the deatils of the Ah receptor
Uses, history and controversies over Rayon fiber
Health safety update from Luna Pads about the reasons behind the sudden disappearance of ob tampons from retailers shelves. The truth be told.
What are sanitary pads
Natural Fertility Info on Tampons and their correlation to infertility
Basic benefits of cloth pads from Natural Family Awareness
History, current synthesis, and uses of superabsorbent polymer
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences health and education on Dioxin
Environmental Working Group’s report and consumer guide on Dioxin
Information and facts on Polyethylene
Information and facts on Polypropylene
Pink Lemonade Cloth Pads
Tree Hugger Mama Cloth