Common Pregnancy Related Discomforts – Nausea and Vomiting

General Description

Nausea is an unpleasant feeling of queasiness and an urge to vomit. Vomiting is the expulsion of the stomach contents through the mouth as a result of involuntary muscle spasms. Experienced by more than 80% of women as a sign of pregnancy, the onset of nausea occurs between 5 – 7 weeks gestation, peaking around 11 weeks, and typically resolves by 14–16 weeks. Severe cases of vomiting past 20 weeks may be hyperemesis gravidarum.

Sources of Discomfort

Inadequate dietary adjustments to pregnancy, keeping the stomach empty for prolonged periods of time, and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and also a response to increased and rapidly rising hormone levels in early pregnancy (estrogen, HCG).

Methods of Relief

Morning Discomfort

  1. Eat high protein snack before bed, and at each waking
  2. Eat before rising – cracks or toast. Protein is ideal, if tolerable. Rise slowly upon waking.
  3. Diclegis: 2 Tablets at bedtime

Throughout the Day Discomfort

  1. Eat small, frequent, high-protein and vitamin B rich meals every 2 – 3 hours, Carry snacks with you on-the-go, and avoid dehydration, and sip small amounts.
  2. Avoid triggers such as strong odors, spicy / fatty foods, fatigue, heat, and stuffy rooms.
  3. Acupressure wrist bands.
  4. Drink water at room temperature and sip through a straw when even water is difficult to consume.

Herbs & Supplements

  1. Take vitamin and mineral supplements AFTER meals
  2. Vitamin B6: 25 mg 3-4 times daily, or 50 mg twice daily
  3. Teas: chamomile, red raspberry leaf, peach leaf, basil, spearmint, peppermint, and ginger
  4. Sucking on hard candies – ginger, peppermint

Immense Morning Sickness

  1. Unisome & B6 at bedtime

Additional Reading & Helpful Tips

12 Ways to Naturally Ease Through Morning Sickness and Find Comfort and Health Through Hyperemesis Gravidarum